Created At

Feb 08, 2022

Last Update

Feb 22, 2023


Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, HC 3





Type Quick App

  • This Quickapp retrieves; wattsNow, wattHoursToday, wattHoursSevenDays and wattHoursLifetime from the local Enphase Evoy (S ore Metered)
  • In the QuickApp labels wattHoursToday, wattHoursSevenDays and wattHoursLifetimes is shown 
  • The wattsNow is shown in the top (under the sunpanel icon)
  • data refresh standard every 10 seconds, but Enphase Evoy update every 15 minutes (at this moment, but can change after software changes by Enphase)
  • Tested with:
  • Envoy-S-Metered-EU
  • Software version: 5.0.54
  • HC3 | 5.130.64
  • Pay attention: QA don't work with the Envoy on software version 7.0.88 or higer..! 


Version 1.1 (03th April 2022)

  • New download file, QA as Energie meter 

Version 0.3 (26th January 2021)

  • bug: for HC3 5.051 users are not both values vissable. This QA copies to Multilevel QA
  • Change in Variable possible:
  • ShowData: 1 --> Top: wattHoursToday | bottem: wattHoursSevenDays (default)
  • ShowData: 2 --> Top: wattsNow | bottem: wattHoursSevenDays

Version 0.2 (22th January 2021)

  • Initial version

Variables (mandatory and automaticaly generated):  

  • IPaddress = IP address of your local Enphase Envoy
  • Path = Path, normally "api/v1/production" (don't changes unless you know what you are doing)
  • Interval = Number in seconds, the Enphase Monitor normally is updated every 10 seconds
  • debugLevel = Number (1=some, 2=few, 3=all, 4=simulation mode) (default = 1)
  • Example content Json table
  • { "wattHoursToday": 5480, "wattHoursSevenDays": 21271, "wattHoursLifetime": 4122447, "wattsNow": 0 }


How to install: 

  • Open the Configuration Interface
  • Go to Settings > Devices
  • Click  +
  • Choose Other Device
  • Choose Upload File
  • Choose file from your computer with .fqa 


  • On top, "wattHoursToday" (this value reset every day to zero at 00:00 hours)
  • bottom (log) the 7-day "wattHoursSevenDays"


14 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

Good evening, I have just submitted Enphase Envoy 2024 (version 7). It will appear on this website soon. Goedenavond, ik heb net Enphase Envoy 2024 (version 7) ingediend. Deze zal binnenkort op deze website verschijnen.


Hoi Twan, zie jij nog kans om de software bij te werken met de hoge firmware versies?


Hi, Thanks for this quick app. The Envoy can also measure the consumption of the house. Is it possible to add these (live consumption and on the day) please?


Hi Twan, can you tell why it does not work with the mentioned software version. Is there a work around (or can you write a new QA that does work :-))


See text above; Pay attention: QA don't work with the Envoy on software version 7.0.88 or higer..!

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