Created At

Dec 29, 2021

Last Update

Jan 11, 2024


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

This QuickApp gets todays and tomorrows energy prices and current energy consumption from the Tibber platform. 
Next to the current prices the mimimum, maximum and average prices and percentage +/- related to the average price for today and tomorrow are calculated. 
Tax and extra cost (cable owner) are included in the hourly, daily, monthly, yearly and total cost.  
All values are displayed in the labels. Colors show the price levels in the labels:

The Energy Panel is updated with the hourly prices and energy consumption. 
Several languages are supported. 






Child devices are available for:

  • Hour-1 Energy (Energy usage of the previous hour)
  • Hour-1 Cost (Energy cost of the previous hour)
  • Daily Energy (usage in kWh)
  • Daily Cost (energy and extra cost separately in the log text)
  • Monthly Energy (usage in kWh)
  • Monthly Cost (energy and extra cost separately in the log text)
  • Yearly Energy (usage in kWh)
  • Yearly Cost (energy and extra cost separately in the log text)
  • Total Energy (usage in kWh, devicetype com.fibaro.energyMeter and automatic rateType=consumption for Fibaro Energy Panel)
  • Total Cost (energy and extra cost separately in the log text)
  • Current Price (hour and price level in the log text)
  • Minimum Today Price (hour and price level in the log text)
  • Maximum Today Price (hour and price level in the log text)
  • Average Today Price (hour and price level in the log text)
  • 24x Child devices for the Today prices from 1 to 24 hour (price level in the log text)
  • Minimum Tomorrow Price (hour and price level in the log text)
  • Maximum Tomorrow Price (hour and price level in the log text)
  • Average Tomorrow Price (hour and price level in the log text)
  • 24x Child devices for the Tomorrow prices from 1 to 24 hour (price level in the log text)


These devices can be used to control appliances according to the lowest and forecast prices during the day. 





For easy use in for example blockscenes, Global Variables are available for:
- 24x Tomorrow Price Level 1-24 hour (VERY CHEAP, CHEAP, NORMAL, EXPENSIVE, VERY EXPENSIVE)
- 24x Today Price Percentage 1-24 hour (Price related to today average price)
- 24x Tomorrow Price Percentage 1-24 hour (Price related to tomorrow average price)

These devices and global variables can be used to control appliances according to the lowest and forecast prices.

Use this QuickApp at your own risk. You are responsible for ensuring that the information provided via this QuickApp do not contain errors. 
Tibber is a registered trademark being the property of TIBBER. TIBBER reserves all rights to the registered trademarks.
Information which is published on TIBBER’s websites belongs to TIBBER or is used with the permission of the rights holder. 
Making of copies, presentations, distribution, display or any other transfer of the information on the website to the public is, except for strictly private use, prohibited unless done with the consent of TIBBER. 
Published material on dedicated TIBBER press websites, intended for public use, is exempt from the consent requirement.
Also see:


To communicate with the API you need to acquire a OAuth access token and pass this along with every request passed to the server.
A Personal Access Token give you access to your data and your data only. 
This is ideal for DIY people that want to leverage the Tibber platform to extend the smartness of their home. 
Such a token can be acquired here:


When creating your access token or OAuth client you’ll be asked which scopes you want the access token to be associated with. 
These scopes tells the API which data and operations the client is allowed to perform on the user’s behalf. 
The scopes your app requires depend on the type of data it is trying to request. 
If you for example need access to user information you add the USER scope. 
If information about the user's homes is needed you add the appropriate HOME scopes.


Tomorrow values are available from 13:00 hour
If you have more than one home in your subscription, you need to fill in your home number the change between your homes. 
Known limitation: In case of the change due to daylight saving time, the 02:00 hour is skipped going to summer, only 23 price values are available


Tibber Price levels are based on trailing price average (3 days for hourly values and 30 days for daily values)

  • VERY CHEAP - The price is smaller or equal to 60 % compared to average price
  • CHEAP - The price is greater than 60 % and smaller or equal to 90 % compared to average price
  • NORMAL - The price is greater than 90 % and smaller than 115 % compared to average price
  • EXPENSIVE - The price is greater or equal to 115 % and smaller than 140 % compared to average price
  • VERY EXPENSIVE - The price is greater or equal to 140 % compared to average price


Tibber Tax: The tax part of the price (guarantee of origin certificate, energy tax (Sweden only) and VAT)


Tibber API documentation:
Tibber API explorer:
Tibber status:


Changes version 3.0 (21th April 2023)

  • Added 24 child devices for the today prices 1 to 24 hour
  • Added 24 child devices for the tomorrow prices 1 to 24 hour
  • Added child devices for tomorrow minimum, tomorrow maximum and tomorrow average prices
  • Added tommorow prices to the labels
  • Added tomorrow minimum, tomorrow maximum and tomorrow average prices to the labels
  • Added color 🟢🟡🟠🔴🟣 to the prices in the labels based on the Tibber price level
  • Added todays energy usage per hour to the labels
  • Deleted today PRICES from the global variables, because they are available in the child devices
  • Added global variables for tomorrow price LEVELS (the today global variables were already there)
  • Added global variables for today price PERCENTAGES 
  • Added global variables for tomorrow price PERCENTAGES 
  • Changed the name of the global variables to get a better sorting in the dashboard
  • Added separate QuickApp variables to activate today and or tomorrow global variables
  • Changed to QuickApp variable secondsH (interval) to how many seconds after the whole hour the QuickApp should run, so the QuickApp now runs once an hour a few minutes after the whole hour
  • Added extra check for existance of the 24 hour values (for example in case of daylight saving time change)
  • Changed the main device to Generic Device
  • Changed to multifile QuickApp
  • Added translation for English (en), Dutch (nl), Swedish (se), Norwegian (no), German (de)
  • Added new Tibber user-agent to http request headers
  • Made some changes to work with missing tomorrow prices from Tibber
  • Improved some debug logging messages on debug level 3

Variables (mandatory and created automatically): 

  • token = Authorization token (see the Tibber website:
  • homeNr = Tibber home (nodes) number if you have more than one home (default = 1)
  • extraCost = Extra cost per kWh for Tibber and Cable owner, decimals with dot, not komma (default = 0)
  • secondsH = How many seconds after the whole hour should the QuickApp run (default = 300 seconds (3 minutes), always greater than 0)
  • httpTimeout = How long to wait for a response from Tibber (default = 10 seconds) 
  • debugLevel = Number (1=some, 2=few, 3=all, 4=simulation mode) (default = 1)
  • GlobVarLevel = true or false, whether you want to use the Global Variables for the today and tomorrow price LEVELS (default = false)
  • GlobVarPerc = true or false, whether you want to use the Global Variables for the today and tomorrow price PERCENTAGES (default = false)
  • setEnergyPanel = inserting prices in Energy Panel (default = false)
  • currentPrice = inserting current prices (if you also use Tibber Live) in Energy Panel (default = false)
  • language = Preferred language (default = English (en)) (supported languages is Dutch (nl), German (de), Swedish (se) and Norwegian (no))
  • workaroundE01 = Stores the value of the 00-01 hour energy for a Tibber API bug workaround (default = 0)
  • workaroundC01 = Stores the value of the 00-01 hour cost for a Tibber API bug workaround (default = 0)
  • workaroundPnn = Stores the hour-1 price for the Energy Panel (default = 0)
  • workaroundP23 = Stores the 23h price for the Energy Panel (default = 0) 

How to install: 

  1. Open the Configuration Interface
  2. Go to Settings > Devices
  3. Click  +
  4. Choose Other Device
  5. Choose Upload File
  6. Choose file from your computer with .fqa




33 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

btw keep up with this Marketplace or the Fibaro Forum, because a new Tibber Monitor quickapp is on its way with a lot of nice new features!


Hi Nico, There is no need to setup the currency. The QuickApp gets the correct currency from your Tibber account. If your Tibber account is in euros, the currency in the QuickApp will also be in euros.


How can I setup the correct currency (Eur in my case)?


(Made a change in the Marketplace help text of the quickapp variables, it wasn't up-to-date with the quickapp)


In the "Token" quickapp variabel

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