Created At

Apr 26, 2020

Last Update

Sep 30, 2022


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

QuickApp module to integrate of Netatmo climate devices.

It has support for Main module, Outdoor modules and Indoor modules, Rain gauge and Smart anemometer. It creates child devices (Temperature Sensors, Humidity Sensors, CO2 Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Noise sensors, Rain and Wind sensors) automatically based on information gathered from Netatmo API.

To use it you need to import attached .fqa file into HC3 and provide tokens (access_token and refresh_token) from Netatmo API. To generate these tokens please visit site and follow instructions.

Other variables:

  • battery_allone - can be "true" or "false" - to choose between battery interface on dedicated child devices or directly on child devices

These values are in "Variables" tab on imported device. Click on Pencil, fill data for corresponding variables and click "Save". After that you need to create child devices. To do that you have to go to the "Edit & Preview" tab and click on "Get Devices" button.

If tokens are ok after few seconds you should have created all linked devices for found Netatmo modules. Values for these devices are refreshed every 10s after values updated in Netatmo cloud (more or less at 10min period). QA also has a "Get Measurements" button to manually refresh data.

Important note: 5.030 or newer firmware version on HC3 is needed.


v2.6 - 09/2022 (GSmart)

  • changed authorization method with Netatmo API (required by Netatmo servers)

v2.5.1 - 03/2021 (GSmart+Lazer)

  • FIX QuickApp hang after HC3's upgrade to 5.063 firmware
  • Added Czech translation (thanks to petrkl12)
  • Minor fixes & enhancements

v2.5 - 07/2020 (Lazer)

  • Fix QuickApp crash in case weather station has no additional module

v2.4 - 07/2020 (Lazer)

  • Add variable to choose between battery interface on dedicated child devices or directly on child devices

v2.3 - 06/2020 (Lazer)

  • New device types (Rain, Wind, Gust)
  • Add battery levels monitoring (use dedicated child devices)
  • Add alive module monitoring (use Netatmo reachable property to make Fibaro devices appearing dead in the interface)
  • Optimized 10 minutes query interval 10s after Netatmo cloud update
  • Minor fixes & enhancements

v2.2 - 06/2020 (GSmart)

  • FIX: prevent crash when we doesn't get any data from Netatmo API
  • Added status info on main QA device

v2.1 - 05/2020 (GSmart)

  • Added support for unit conversion, eg. km/h to m/s
  • Further enhancements in code

v2.0 - 04/2020 (GSmart)

  • Completely redesigned
  • Getting all data in one request to Netatmo API

v1.1 - 04/2020 (GSmart)

  • Added support for Wind and Rain modules

v1.0 - 04/2020 (GSmart)

  • Initial release
  • Supported devices: Base station, Outdoor module, Indoor module


83 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

Reason that it does not work is that in the code the client id and client secret is hard coded. this used to be not necesary, and netatmoo requires that to be connected to the access and refres token. self.client_id = "xx" self.client_secret = "xx" Upload thq quickapp, then go into edit mode, and then update the code ~row 520 the code with your own client id and client secret, it will work again.


It doesn't work with HC# ver 5.161.15. Any ideas ?


I have loaded the QA, but the variables do not appear. I have HC3 ver. 5,160


Hi, with a reset client_id an new token (refresh and acsess) the requests work fine in 4 hours and after fail with Response: {"status":1,"headers":{},"data":"HTTP\/1.1 400\r\nServer: nginx\r\nDate: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 12:46:00 GMT\r\nContent-Type: application\/json\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\nConnection: close\r\nExpires: 0\r\nCache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\nX-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nStrict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains\r\nX-Powered-By: Netatmo\r\n\r\n19\r\n{\"error\":\"invalid_grant\"}\r\n0\r\n\r\n"} So the refresh_token and access token hasn't changed and the API interface Netatmo fail with the same error. Thank's Sébastien


Hi, for some time token refresh requests have been returning with "wrong status 1" due to an invalid_grant error. I just changed the client id of my Netatmo API to see if that fixes the situation and on the Netamo page there is also a notice in red on their pages. I think they have a problem with authentication... I will come back to tell you if resetting keys solved the problem. THANKS Seb

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