Created At
Sep 22, 2021
Created At
Sep 22, 2021
Last Update
Aug 31, 2023
HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3
QuickApp integration with Huawei inverters, using Modbus TCP protocol. Works with new energy panel.
Software version required: 5.080 or higher.
Tested on: SUN2000-2KTL L1
Should work with inverters with integrated WLAN, and those equipped with smart dongle. Probably it does not work with the smart logger, due to different register addresses.
To configure this QuickApp, please provide the IP address of your inverter in the variables tab. You can adjust polling time by changing the pollingTime variable (time in minutes).
After successful connection, the quick app will add additional "endpoints" to the system:
The functionality of QuickApp is more suitable for the energy panel to determine the output of panels. For more advanced use, it is better to install a Qubino meter, which will show how much energy you are currently giving to the network or consuming. On this info, make any scenes.
My configuration now works: SUN2000-8KTL-M1 no change in Configuration - only fixed IP adress. HC3: i followed the forum-entry: in main: Changed 2 lines (142 and 144) with -- change one line: change in line 153 com.fibaro.powerSensor to com.fibaro.powerMeter additional i changed in Main - line 70: changed to : local readHoldingRegistersFrame = string.char(0x01, 0x03) let standard port (502) in variable add ip adress from sun2000 in variable and it works!
I have the same Problem: SUN2000-8KTL-M1 TCP/IP Modbus: enabled/unrestricet Logfile says: [16.12.2023] [11:26:00] [DEBUG] [QUICKAPP408]: onInit [16.12.2023] [11:26:00] [TRACE] [QUICKAPP408]: initFields [16.12.2023] [11:26:00] [TRACE] [QUICKAPP408]: createChildDevices [16.12.2023] [11:26:00] [TRACE] [QUICKAPP408]: Connecting [16.12.2023] [11:26:00] [TRACE] [QUICKAPP408]: Connected [16.12.2023] [11:26:36] [TRACE] [QUICKAPP408]: All data requested. Disconnecting. [16.12.2023] [11:26:36] [TRACE] [QUICKAPP408]: Disconnect. Connecting again after 5 min. [16.12.2023] [11:26:36] [ERROR] [QUICKAPP408]: Response error: Operation canceled [16.12.2023] [11:26:36] [ERROR] [QUICKAPP408]: QuickApp crashed Has anyone gotten this to work yet?
Hello. I can't get readings from inverter... Followed Jean Jomaron instruction from Jul 11. - but no data. Huawei inverter/dongle set to "unrestricted modbus communication". What am I doing wrong or not understanding..?
Witam, u mnie na falowniku SUN2000-6KTL-M1 3-fazowy po aktualizacji SDongla WiFi (do wercji V100R001C00SPC130) i zalecanej zmianie parę wierszy kodu działa od samego początku (instalowalem w 2022 roku). Dodam że mam HC3.