Created At

May 12, 2020

Last Update

Jun 28, 2021


HC 2





ZXT-120 AC control VD


This is a simple VD+Scene to control ZXT-120/600 AC controllers. I use it because of 2 factors:

1) You can control everything on one screen instead of 3 devices in HC2 interface

2) it is visible in Home Center app (ZXT-120/600 is not visible natively yet)

It supports heating and cooling modes and fan speed. You can see current status as well.

Setup is very simple:

(Big thanks to Eran Aharon and HogarTecno Argentina for providing very detailed instructions. If you don't mind I'm just including them in the descriptionso that people can easily find them)

1) Access to each of the 3 child devices on your included ZXT (Temprature, AC Mode, Fan speed) and write on a note the ID of each of them , you can see the ID on the address bar of the browser. In my case: ID of the device which sets temperature= 438 ID of the device which sets mode =440 ID of the device which sets fan mode = 441 in this step' if you wish to use AC swing function, check that parameter 33 is included in the Advanced tab of the ZXT (if it doesn't included, create it)

2) Add virtual device, (devices > add or remove device > add VD) import the downloaded "ZXT-VD.vfib" file

3) Name the Virtual Device (such as "Bedroom AC") and save it.

4) Put the ID of the Temprature child device of ZXT into the "TCP Port" field

5) Write on a note the VD ID.

6) Add a new scene in LUA Mode.

7) Copy the content of the downloaded "ZXT scene.RTF" file and paste into the scene's editor.

8) Edit the scene and replace the my IDs with the IDs of the 3 child devices of your ZXT that you got as follow:

     in lines # 3 and 16 write the corect ID of the child device that sets the Temperature

     in lines #4 and 17 write the corect ID of the child device that sets the AC Mode

     in lines #5 and 18 write the corect ID of the child device that sets the FAN speed

9) Also edit line #21 and replace the VD ID with the corect VD ID you got on step 5

10) Save the scene and Run It! 

Maybe it can be useful for some of you.


Version 1.1 changelog:


Cooling mode button is replaced with cool/off button so that you can turn AC on and off from devices section with one button.

Swing control added


Version 1.2 changelog:

Added support for ZXT-600

P.S. Thanks to @kevin for testing ZXT600 version

P.P.S I don't know if it will run with newer firmwares like 4.610 and 4.620 because Fibaro has changed some things for thermostats. If someone of you are running these new firmwares, please live a comment or PM me if it works. 

14 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

Hi! Did anyone get this VD to work with the 4 child devices starting from version 4.160 in HC2?


HI, i had used this VD when i had HC2 but recently i got the HC3 and unfortunetaly i have no experiance in Lua code and cant convert the VD to QA. any one can help??


@Eran Aharon, this is unfortunately a consequence of new firmware starting from 4.610. This was Fibaro's decision to split devices for heat, cool and Auto. I have no idea why they did it. It's possible to rewrite the VD to make it compatible with the new firmware, but I unfortunately don't want to spend time on it. For me I've decided just not to update from 4.600, because I have a lot of thermostats and a lot of scenes with them, so for me it's just not worth the effort, sorry.


I added ZXT-600 to HC2 but for some reason I don't know, it created tow SET TEMPERATURE child devices one for hot temperaturs and ond for the cold temperatures. (I have 3 ZXT-120 which are working greate, and included withot this splitting - this let me to control them from a virtual devices as shown by Alexander Baskakov here How can I combine these 2 child devices to one? Ofcorse I tried to remove and re-add it and to reconfigure it several times with no success.


It works great, thanks. The. I ' am away how can I see than. if the AC is on or off?

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