Created At

Nov 19, 2023

Last Update

Jul 12, 2024


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

Version 1.2.4 (2024.07.01)


  • FIBARO Home Center 3
  • FIBARO Home Center 3 Lite
  • Yubii Home, Yubii Home PRO and compatible controllers

  • Yale Linus Smart Locks
  • Yale Linus 2 Smart Locks
  • Yale Conexis
  • Yale Smart Cabinet Lock
  • Yale Smart Safe
  • Yale Smart Opener for Garage Doors & Gates

more at: 


Remotely control connected Yale devices, check their status (locked/unlocked, open/closed) and operate them (lock/unlock) using Yubii app and FIBARO Home Center web app/dashboard.
Allows to create Scenes  to group different devices (alarm, lights, blinds, gates, garages, heating, HVAC) and set up simultaneous actions using the lock as a trigger or an actor.
See activity feed and receive notifications when the status of a connected device has changed (lock unavailable, battery low).

The QuickApp connects Yale Home account, get list of registered locks and map them to Home Center devices – locks and door opening sensors. These devices can be used directly, to open/close a door, or can be used in scenes or profiles in the same way as all the other devices handled by the Home Center. 


  • Before starting configuration at Yubii / Home Center side, user has to configure Yale Home account and the App, Yale devices and Yale WiFi bridges. FIBARO can connect only devices that are available to control remotely via WiFi.
  • After installing the QuickApp, use PRESS to authorize access to you locks... button to enable QuickApp to access to your Yale Home account. You will be directed to Yale authorization webpage and asked for login. At the final step, you will get PINCODE, copy it to clipboard
  • At Home Center, open Settings and Devices section. Find Yale QuickApp and go to Variables tab. Edit PINCode variable using Pencil button, and enter (paste) obtained PINCODE. Press SAVE button to accept.

  • QuickApp connects the Yale Home account, obtains and displays available devices with their current state. Child devices are generated for each lock device. For each lock with DoorSense configured, additional child device with door state is generated.

  • Reload configuration button shall be used when you add or remove a lock at your Yale Home account, or when you change UI language in the Home Center controller.
  • If you have more locks at the Yale Home account and you want to limit locks controlled by the QuickApp, use HouseFilter variable and put there the names of houses to control (separated by breaks). For example: [MyHome, MyOffice]

  • QuickApp can be disabled, and it stops all its activities when you change Device disabled flag at Advanced tab in device settings.


  • The QuickApp handles all the locks configured at Yale Home account with superuser permissions.
  • The QuickApp checks locks and doors states every few seconds, so updates in states can be displayed with some delay.
  • Whole communication goes via the Yale Home Cloud, so Home Center has to have access to the internet to control the locks. Lock and unlock commands can be executed with slight delay from a few to several seconds, depends on Yale Home cloud processing.
  • Supported UI languages: ENG, FR, PL

File for download

  • fqax encrypted Yale Home QuickApp file 

Fqax file shall be imported to your Yubii or Home Center hub at administration panel (access via Web browser): menu Settings, section Devices, button Add, tab Other Device, command Upload File.

NOTE: At the time of installation, the Yubii / Home Center controller must be registered on the owner's FibaroID account and must be connected to the Internet (this is a general requirement for the installation of encrypted QuickApps)



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