Created At

May 05, 2021

Last Update

Oct 18, 2021


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

This QuickApp gets the actual water level or flow from rivers in France. 

The latest water level or flow of your selected hydro station is updated in the value of this QuickApp. You can choose between Water Level or Water Flow. If you want to measure both, simply install the QuickApp twice. 

See for more information:
Service d'information sur le risque de crues des principaux cours d'eau en France 

waterlevel3.png.034966585dcb3a99ee371dce7b0eb1d8.png     waterlevel4.png.68fabef4a9512b7cb3575454d2272463.png


waterlevel6.png.d72f4e68f2a7239756c05b845edd2b44.png     waterlevel5.png.d867ae2f0296655bff9a0fc65206d545.png

QuickApp variables (they will be automaticaly added with the default values):

  • stationHydro = Status from where you want your data from
  • mode = level or flow (Choose for waterlevel or waterflow, default = level)
  • interval = Number in seconds to request the data
  • debugLevel = Number (1=some, 2=few, 3=all) (default = 1)


How to install: 

  1. Open the Configuration Interface
  2. Go to Settings > Devices
  3. Click  +
  4. Choose Other Device
  5. Choose Upload File
  6. Choose file from your computer with .fqa

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