Created At
Jun 19, 2018
Created By TAMED
VD to control curtains with Hub PowerView ™ HunterDouglas and FIBARO HC2 via IP with LUA programming language.
Created At
Jun 19, 2018
Last Update
Jun 25, 2018
HC 2
The virtual device was created from having managed to subtract the ID from the scenes previously created in the Hunter Douglas PowerView™ Hub.
We leave in reference for the mentioned process the following link:
In this case: HC2 (LUA Code Edition)
The Virtual Device created in this case will help us to lower and raise the curtains by means of the Hunter Douglas PowerView ™ Hub. But in the same way the virtual device can be created with more complex scenes created previously, you just have to extract the ID of those scenes.
System Integration
When you download the .zip you will have available the .vfib file, you just have to upload it to the HC2 and place the IP address "" of your Hub PowerView ™ of HunterDouglas and the port assigned is "11111". The programming lines of the buttons created in this case are expressed as follows:
local connection = Net.FHttp("{hunter Douglas hub IP}", {Port});
local command = "/api/scenes?sceneid={ID scene}";
local response, status, errorCode = connection.GET(connection, command);
local connection = Net.FHttp("", 80);
local command = "/api/scenes?sceneid=19070";
local response, status, errorCode = connection.GET(connection, command);
Files available in .zip
• File "Hunter_Duglas_LUA.vfib".
• HunterDouglas Logo 128x128px
• File .pdf "Manual VD Hunter Douglas LUA". Integration instructions.