Created At
Jul 19, 2018
Created By mysmarthome-cba-pl
Information about all Fibaro Door/Window Sensors in one place
Created At
Jul 19, 2018
Last Update
Jul 30, 2018
HC 2
This VD check and display the status (open/close) and alarm (armed/disarmed) of all Fibaro Door/Window Sensors in your home.
You need to only import Door/window checker.vfib to your Home Center 2.
The device is refreshed automatically every 1 minute – you can change it in the main loop.
In debug window you can also check which Door/Windows are open
I allow code to be reuse or change. Also labels can be translated and adjust.
Great idea. When I find more free time I add this option. At this moment this information are displayed only in debug window.
Nice VD. Would be awesome if there would be an additional button "show open" or "show unarmed" that lists the open d/w or the unarmed d/w
Yes, basically VD display information only about number of opened/closed/armed, if you want to know more details (device name and room) just check debug (next to Refresh button). You can add additional label which will be displayed this information. Unfortunately, I did not have any problem with reset of VD icon.
Only NUMBER of opened/closed/arnmed doors is visible. NOt WHAT doors. Some reason this VD reset icon during every refresh
merci :)