Created At

Mar 03, 2020

Last Update

Mar 27, 2020


HC 2, HC Lite



Type Camera

I have managed to get to work all of the unifi g3 cameras except the micro one because I do not own one.The steps are:

1. Have all cameras with static ip

2. When you add a new camera to fibaro, put the username ubnt and the password of the camera which can be found in the configuration website of unifi protect or video.

3. Select http and below put the ip of the camera.

4. For the jpeg and mjpeg path put: "/snap.jpeg?cb=<"Camera UDID">".

5. Camera UDID can be found when you go to the configuration of a camera and enable rtsp, the code at the end of the string. 


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11 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

did someboday found a solution for HC*?


Would be great to have this for my HC3 ;-)


HC3 please


JPG path :"camera UDID" Works with Unifi Protect 2.1.2. Copy UDID from RTSP stream link.


Kann jemand ein Beispiel machen beim JPG-Pfad machen ? /snap.jpeg? cb=<"gHb2R58S*qLt5o0B?">

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