Created At

Oct 07, 2021

Last Update

Jan 09, 2023


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

This Quickapp retrieves energy consumption, energy production, gas and water usage from the (P1 Monitor) energy, gas and water meter. 
This Quickapp uses the software of to get the values from your smart energymeter. 
The ztatz plug-and-play software can run on a Raspberry Pi or in a Docker container. 


The Energy consumption and energy production are added to the HC3 energy panel. 
Use the child devices Todays Consumption and Todays Production to store energy data (kWh) in the Energy Panel. 
And use the child devices Consumption and Production for instantaneous power (Watt) in the Energy Panel calculations. 





Child Devices for:

  • Consumption (Watt) (input for instantaneous power in Energy Panel calculations)
  • Production (Watt) (input for instantaneous power in Energy Panel calculations)
  • Todays Consumption (kWh) (input for energy panel)
  • Todays Production (kWh) (input for energy panel)
  • Waterflow (Liter)
  • Consumption High (kWh)
  • Consumption Low (kWh)
  • Production High (kWh)
  • Production Low (kWh)
  • Consumption L1 (Watt)
  • Consumption L2 (Watt)
  • Consumption L3 (Watt)
  • Production L1 (Watt)
  • Production L2 (Watt)
  • Production L3 (Watt)
  • Ampere L1 (Amp)
  • Ampere L2 (Amp)
  • Ampere L3 (Amp)
  • Voltage L1 (Volt)
  • Voltage L2 (Volt)
  • Voltage L3 (Volt)
  • Total Gas (m³)
  • Total Waterflow (m³)






It is possible to process messages from the smart meter every second. Of course, this is only possible if the smart meter actually sends a message every second. This can be turned on via the ztatz software P1 port configuration page via the "maximum processing speed" option. Note that this gives a higher load on the Rpi (or Docker). It has been tested on the Rpi3/Rpi4 and works well on it. Older or other RPIs have not been tested.


The P1 Monitor QuickApp uses 2 API calls each cycle, and if you also use Waterflow, 3 API calls each cycle. With an interval setting of 10 seconds there is an API call every 5 seconds (and with Waterflow enabled, every 3.33 seconds). So the fastest interval setting will probably be 3 seconds with Waterflow and 2 seconds without Waterflow. 


Ztatz software:

Docker container based on the software: The container version has the same functionality as the full version for the Raspberry Pi. Docker container:


I use a Raspberry Pi Smart Meter Cable Starter Kit

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 2GB
  • 32GB Micro SDHC
  • Smart Meter cable 
  • P1 Monitor software from: 
  • Water Flow Sensor (M18 8mm sensing DC 5V NPN NO LJ18A3-8-Z/BX-5V cylinder inductive proximity sensor switch work voltage 5VDC special for MCU)




903B0D58-BD03-487D-B599-093590680363.jpeg.4c5501ca5fafa28892e0ac7c64e2c722.jpeg             waterflow-sensor.png.c6d38b52168dc6cd5e9aa0f0add2893f.png


Version 2.0 (8th January 2023)

  • Changed child device types for optimal support of the Energy Panel: 
    •   kWh -> com.fibaro.energyMeter
    •   ampere/voltage -> com.fibaro.electricMeter
    •   Watt -> com.fibaro.powerMeter
    •   gas -> com.fibaro.gasMeter
    •   water -> com.fibaro.waterMeter
  • Removed Power device calculation
  • Removed child devices for gross consumption and device consumption
  • Changed code to multi file
  • Added for translations for English, French, Polish and Dutch

 Tested on

  • P1 Monitor version: 20221105 V2.1.0
  • Raspberry Pi model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
  • Linux-5.15.74-v7l+-armv7l-with-glibc2.31
  • Python version: 3.9.2


QuickApp variables (mandatory, they will be automatically added with the default values):

  • IPaddress = IP address of your P1 monitor
  • interval = Number in seconds, the P1 Monitor normally is updated every 10 seconds, sometimes even faster
  • debugLevel = Number (1=some, 2=few, 3=all) (default = 1)
  • waterMeter = Existance of watermeter true or false (default = false)
  • language = Preferred language (default = en) (supported languages are Engish (en), French (fr), Polish (pl) and Dutch (nl))




How to install: 

  1. Open the Configuration Interface
  2. Go to Settings > Devices
  3. Click  +
  4. Choose Other Device
  5. Choose Upload File
  6. Choose file from your computer with .fqa

30 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

There are several solutions to get information from the P1 port of your smartmeter. If you want to use this P1 Monitor QuickApp, you have to use the software on a Raspberry Pi or a NAS Docker. This quickapp then gets all the info to your HC3.


Hy. I have got hc3. Witch P1 meter hardware? Homewizard ? ( őr Smartmeter? (


This Quickapp works only with the software, but with the latest version of the software you can also use Slimmelezer+ van or smartgateways using the SOCAT protocol. You don't need to connect with the smartmeter with a serial cable to the setup.


Hi Eddy, Can you make this Quick App also work with MQTT? Think this is easier for the most people and no serial cable needed when you use a simple p1meter from smartgateway from MQTT is a few steps installation in docker with help from: Thanks for youre reply


With the latest version, now it is also possible to use the hardware from or Slimmelezer+ or Smartstuff

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