Created At

Sep 15, 2020

Last Update

Nov 13, 2023


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

Netatmo weather provider

An alternative to YR weather provider, that is default weather provider for HC3.

This quick application creates weather device only.

Data updates every 5 minutes by default.


ClientID - Netatmo client ID

ClientSecret - Netatmo client secret

RefreshToken - Refresh token

Optional values

DeviceID - identifier of Netatmo Weather Station from which values should be taken. This value will be automatically populated on first successful connection to weather station.

Interval - number of minutes defining how often data should be refreshed. This value will be automatically populated on initialization of quick application.

AccessToken - Allows to set own access token and bypass credentials authentication.


To acquire required parameters, you need to go to Netatmo Connect site and create new application. Once that's done, you will be able to get client ID and client secret. To get refresh token, you need to use a Token generator (section below you get client id and client secret). From generated token you need to use a Refresh Token value. This should allow you to run quick application in your Fibaro Home Center device.

Changing weather provider

To change default weather provider you need to go to Settings page and click General category. On displayed page you should see section called Main Sensors with Weather provider dropdown, that will let you pick OpenWeather Station as your new source of information.

To see changes in top bar, you need to refresh Home Center UI.


This quick application integrates with other Netatmo dedicated quick apps for devices. It will automatically populate configuration to new virtual Netatmo devices.


v.2.1.0 - Adds support for refresh based authentication

v.2.0.0 - Complete refactoring




23 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

Hi, QuickApp crashed usr/share/lua/5.3/json/decode/util.lua:35 unexpected character @ character: 1 0:1 [H] line:


Hello, Same for me: /usr/share/lua/5.3/json/decode/util.lua:35: unexpected character @ character: 1 0:1 [H] line:


For those who want to patch the QA (rather than replacing it) here are commit changes:


I do have fix in place, which will not require to login to some site to get a token, which you will need to add to the QA. You will be able to generate token in netatmo app config and set it as variable of QA yourself. I need to give it at least 24hrs to check if using refresh token won't require you to mess with it too often.


doesn't works: "QuickApp crashed /usr/share/lua/5.3/json/decode/util.lua:35: unexpected character @ character: 1 0:1 [H] line:"

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