Created At

Sep 15, 2020

Last Update

Dec 21, 2022


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

Netatmo Rain Sensor

This quick application creates single climate sensor from Netatmo Weather Station or its modules.

Quick application detects all sensors for specified type and lists all detected sensors into logs when using Search devices button.

Data updates every 5 minutes by default.


ClientID - Netatmo client ID

ClientSecret - Netatmo client secret 

Username - Netatmo username

Password - Netatmo password

Optional values

Type - Allows to change the type of the module. Changing type requires to change the DeviceID. This is not applicable for Temperature, Humidity sensors. Rain sensor allows to set only Rain (default), Rain1 or Rain24. Wind sensor allow to set only Wind (default) or Gusts. Other sensors (because they are using generic type - Multilevel sensor type) allow to specify all of following types: Temperature, Humidity, Rain, Rain1, Rain24, Wind, Gusts, Pressure, Noise and CO2.

DeviceID - identifier of Netatmo Weather Station from which values should be taken. This value will be automatically populated on first successful connection to weather station.

ModuleID - Identifier of Netatmo Weather Station module for given DeviceID. This value will be automatically populated from first module listed for the device.

Interval - number of minutes defining how often data should be refreshed. This value will be automatically populated on initialization of quick application.

AccessToken - Allows to set own access token and bypass credentials authentication.


This quick application integrates with other Netatmo dedicated quick apps for devices. It will automatically populate configuration to new virtual Netatmo devices.


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