Created At

Jul 04, 2024

Last Update

Oct 30, 2024


HC 3 Lite, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, HC 3





Type Quick App

This QA integrate webos tv by LG

in variable you need to put :

ip address : ip of your tv

mac address: the mac address of ethernet port (you can't turn On the tv by wi-fi connection)

connection: ws or wss (normally lg webos uses ws but other tvs work on wss

the toasts: you can write anything and recall in scenarios, your string appairs in pop-up menu.

clientKey will auto-written by QA but you can read it from debug.

hdmi_1 and hdmi_2,hdmi_2,hdmi_2  : you can assign the name of devices connected to hdmi 1 and hdmi 2

You can find other informations on

Version 1.3

changed volume state: many new tvs use a different request for Volume.

Added hdmi3 and 4



6 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

Hi, would you mind sharing the code unencrypted? I'd like to play around with the functionality.


just to note that adding IP and MAC of WIFI is working properly.


Thanks for this software. I have 3 LG Oled TV (old and new) and this pluging is working fine. No problem


Thanks or your ultra quick support!!


Hi! When you click yes pn Tv , in the debug appairs the key associated to your gateway, can you copy it and paste on the first variabile, if it no work, contact me by e-mail, so we can understand better the situation My e-mail: è[email protected]

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