Created At
Apr 20, 2020
Created By Daniel Collado
Integration of Airzone Ethernet Web Server to HC2
Created At
Apr 20, 2020
Last Update
Jun 05, 2020
HC 2
Virtual Device to control Airzone Cloud Web Server Ethernet
Link of devices
How to configurate the Virtual Device:
1.- Unzip the folder
1.-Install the archive Airzone-HC2.vfib uploading in Devices --> Add or Remove Device -->Add Virtual Devices --> Import virtual device--> Upload File.
2.- Define the IP Address.
3.-Define ZoneID and SystemID in each button and in the main loop.
4.- Define the Icons ID in the Main Loop
The functions of this Virtual Device are:
- Possibility of change status, tempertature, mode, fan speed, heat stage and cold stage.
- Show the status, ambient and set temperature, humidity, zone name, mode, fan speed, heat and cold stages and errors of Airzone.
Will this work on home center lite?
It depends of the version of the Web Server, sometimes need to be updated by Airzone because the API it isn't returning humidity. Try to contact Airzone to solve the problem. You need to identify the icon ID of the ON and OFF and then configure in the main loop.
installato e funzionante per la parte comandi, per il resto non visualizza nè la temperatura nè l'umidità e niente di quello sopra descritto, per le icone vorrei capire come dare l'id nel loop ho provato a rinominarle in tutti i modi ma niente.
Thank You !
No, this virtual device its only for HC2.