Play presets (links to iRadio, Spotify, Tidal playlist and more)
Play iRadio or other URL streams
After installation you have to set IP Address of iEAST device at device header, and also in code of each button (after word Host:)
Buttons ♫ 1-4 plays sample internet radio stations from, can be easily updated and/or multiplicated.
TCP Port shall be set to 80.
This Virtual Device use simple HTTP communication by sending commands via HTTP GET command. It is one-direction communication, HCL cannot obtain any result returned by device, cannot check if device is connected, cannot read devices' status, etc.
IP Address of iEast device must be provided manually. It can be found at iEast mobile application. iEAST devices obtain IP addresses from DHCP server, it is recommended to setup router/DHCP server to fix IP assignment with iEAST device MAC address.
ZIP file for download:
vfib Virtual Device file to import to your Home Center
Muito bom, Obrigado!