Created At

Feb 14, 2023

Last Update

Feb 22, 2023


HC 3 Lite, Yubii Home Pro, HC 3





Type Quick App

Integrate your HomeWizard analog kWh meter with the FIBARO Home Center 3 using the HomeWizard SDM230 Wi-Fi kWh meter. Work is based on Joep Verheag website:


  1. HomeWizard Wi-Fi Water meter,
  2. HomeWizard Energy iOS or Android app (minimal version 1.5.0),
  3. Water Meter Quick App,
  4. FIBARO Home Center 3.

Quick setup

View the included manual for detailed installation instructions. English installation instructions are included!

SDM230 Wi-Fi kWh Meter installation

Perform the physical installation of the SDM230 Wi-Fi kWh meter and and configure the device in the HomeWizard Energy app.

Activate the local API on the P1 meter

To establish communication between the FIBARO Home Center 3 and the HomeWizard SDM230 Wi-Fi meter, you need to activate the local API in the app.

  1. Start the HomeWizard Energy app on your phone,
  2. Go to Settings -> Meters,
  3. Open the settings from the configured meter by clicking on it,
  4. Enable the option for the local API.

Home Center 3 configuration

  1. Download the Quick App below,
  2. Extract the ZIP file,
  3. Log on to the Home Center 3,
  4. Import the Quick App.
  5. Set the IP address of the SDM230 Wi-Fi kWh meter

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