Created At
Dec 15, 2020
Created By Joakim Grönvall
Greenely - Control devices based on price of energy
Created At
Dec 15, 2020
Last Update
Dec 15, 2020
HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3
QuickApp module to integrate Greenely's smart energy contract.
Now you can control your devices based on the hourly price of your electricity. Avoid the highest peaks and lower your bill by automating your devices at home.
The App creates two devices and a global variable for you
1. Greenely Price - A device that shows the current price
2. Greenely Rank - A device that shows the current rank of the hour 1-24 e.g. 18th most expensive hour today
3. Greenely_Price_Level - A global variable showing current level Low, Medium, High. These are defined as cheapest 7 hours, middle 10 hours and the most expensive 7 hours.
To get started using this device:
1. Log in with your Greenely credentials here:
2. Create a token
3. Add the token to the apps token variable.
To be able to run this device you need to be a Greenely electricity customer. Greenely is currently only available in Sweden but is soon available in the UK as well.
More info on:
1.1 - 2020-12-15
First version out for public use
Samma här, bara en "0":a Någon som fått rätt på detta? Tips ?
Får fortfarande bara värde ”0” några tips på vad jag gör för fel?
Arter some changes in the QA code it is possible to get the correct prices shown in the QA, the original code gives a price that is 25% higher compared to what the Greenly App displays at the same time. This row: self:updateProperty('value', tonumber(string.format("%.2f",price/1000*1.25))) Need to be changed to this: self:updateProperty('value', tonumber(string.format("%.2f",price/1000*1.00))) Or this if you want to display the cost in kr/kWh instead of öre/kWh: self:updateProperty('value', tonumber(string.format("%.2f",price/1000/100)))
Prices shown in the QA does not correspond to what is shown in the Greenly App. And does not update, it gets an initial value so the token works, but then never updates.
Om man bara gör det i rätt ordning så fungerar det.... Ladda ner filen nedan "Greenely_price.fqa" Gå till Fibaro, "Add device" välj "Other", klicka "Upload file", välj filen som du laddat ner. Slutför Det dyker upp två stycken Multsensorer "Greenely price" och Greenely Hourly rating" Dessa innehåller ingen information Gå till Settings , Variables, mata in token som hämtats från Greenely Variable = token Type= string variable Value=token string från Greenely Spara Klart