Created At

Dec 27, 2022

Last Update

Jan 05, 2023


Z-box Hub





Type Quick App

Control the Ecobee Thermostat and get updates from sensors.

This Quick App has been tested with the ecobee4 thermostat and uses the standard Ecobee API so it should work with any Ecobee Thermostat and sensors.

This Quick App gives you the ablity to control the Ecobee Thermostat Set point as well as the mode. This will set a permanant hold.

This Quick App will read the sensors will be read every 30 seconds and the corresponding childs will be updated.



To Authorize:

API Key = MboUmk906YE5robabM0iMWCQdptS4xLb

1. Goto and enter API Key in "Step 1: Obtaining your Pin and Authorization Code" and a pin will be generated

2. Copy your ecobee Pin

3. Goto, login to the web portal and click on the 'My Apps' tab. 

This will bring you to a page where you can add an application by authorizing your ecobee Pin. 

4. Paste your ecobeePin and click 'Validate'. 

5. The next screen will display any permissions the app requires and will ask you to click 

'Authorize' to add the application. 

6. Got back to and enter the API Key and Authorization Code from Step 5 in "Step 2: Obtaining your Access Token and Refresh Token"

7. Copy the Refresh Token Generated in Step 6 into the refresh_token variable for Ecobee Quick App.

2 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

Thank you for this work. It appeared to connect fine and my readings looked reasonable in the UI (in F as I am in the US). However, then I attempted to change the "Cooling" temperature to 72F via the Quick App, it reports 163F and stays in that range.


can you add here description how to configure it, is it work with all ecobee thermostats or maybe with only one model?

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