Created At

Aug 18, 2020

Last Update

Sep 14, 2020


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

It sends minimal set of information about devices added to Fibaro Home Center unit.

Skips all hidden, disabled, dead and non "com.fibaro." devices.

It should help building widgets on your websites or integrate products.

Document structure:

    id: integer
    name: string
    type: string
    basetype: string
    properties: {
        userDescription: string
        quickAppVariables: array
        value: mixed
        manufacturer: string
        model: string
        categories: string[]
        zwaveInfo: string
        dead: boolean
        unit: string

2 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

Hi Joseph, the QA posts JSON that contains collection of objects that describe all devices that match criteria mentioned in the description above. It does send this as raw post data, so with PHP you would need to use something like this to get the data: ``` file_get_contents('php://input') ```


Hi can you give some more details on how to make use of this? thank you

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