Created At

Dec 27, 2018

Last Update

Jan 15, 2019


HC 2



Type Camera


Kamera Model: IPCam
User: - free -
PW: - free -
Show camera image on the main page : yes 

Protokoll: http
IP: 192.168.?.?  (no Port)
jpg: /cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?chn=0 ( or 1 )
mjpeg: /cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?chn=0&u=USERNAME&p=PASSWORT   (chn=0 or 1)

The Home Center 2 image is displayed on the computer. Not on the IPad & Smartphone. Unfortunately, no solution yet. Set the settings in the camera to Mjpeg. Path tested in other software, because video is displayed everywhere.

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