Created At

Jan 11, 2023

Last Update

May 15, 2023


Yubii Home Pro, HC 3





Type Quick App

QA to control your Charge Amps HALO car charger, it also includes a Smart Charge feature if you also have the Tibber Monitor QA installed.

To be able to use this QA you need to request a API key from Charge Amps, this is done by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

To be able to use the SmartCharge feature you need the latest Tibber Monitor QA which can be found here:

In the variables settings in the QA you need to change:
email - provide the e-mail you use to login to Charge Amps

pwd - password for your Charge Amps account

apiKey - the API key you get from Charge Amps

TodayHour00QA - The ID number of the Child QA 'Today 00:00" in Tibber Monitor QA in your HC3


The Smart Charge feature work like this:

Select the Hour you want the calculations to be done (default is hour 20) and also select how many hours you want the charger to be active (default is 4 hours).

The QA will then at the selected calculation hour look on the energy prices up until the 'Charging must be completed hour' and select the block of 4 (or the amount you select) which will be the cheapest block of hours to use.

When the calculation is done the QA will control the Start and Stop of the charging.

If you for some reason dont want the charger to become active for a day or more you just press the Pause button in the QA and then press the Resume button when you want to start to use it again.



Version 1.01 : Some minor changes to correct som issues

 Version 1.10 : Uses the new TibberMonitor QA

Discussion and questions about the QA can be done in this thread:

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