Created At

May 05, 2021

Last Update

Mar 23, 2022


Yubii Home Pro, HC Lite, Yubii Home, HC 3





Type Quick App

This QuickApp can be used as your Fibaro Homecenter 3 Weather Provider (Settings - 6. General - Main - Main Devices - Weather Provider)
The Buienradar Weather QuickApp contains the current Dutch weather measurements, the weather forecast and the 5-day forecast 
The 5-days forecast is shown in the labels and the tomorrow forecast is shown in the child devices 
The current observations are measured by KNMI weather stations spread across The Netherlands and are updated every 10 minutes 
The weather report is updated several times a day by the Buienradar meteorologists 

The QuickApp has child devices for:

  • Temperature °C 
  • Feel temperature °C 
  • Ground temperature °C 
  • Humidity % 
  • Absolute humidity g/m³
  • Airpressure hPa
  • Windspeed m/s 
  • Windspeed km/h
  • Winddirectiondegrees ° (plus wind direction and arrow)
  • Windspeed Bft
  • Windgusts km/h
  • Rain mm/h 
  • Rain Last 24h mm
  • Sunpower Watt/m²
  • Visibility km
  • Sunset (time)
  • Sunrise (time)
  • Sun Chance tomorrow % 
  • Min Temp tomorrow °C
  • Max Temp tomorrow °C
  • Rain Chance tomorrow % 
  • Min Rain tomorrow mm/h
  • Max Rain tomorrow mm/h
  • Wind tomorrow m/s (plus wind direction and arrow)
  • Wind tomorrow km/h (plus wind direction and arrow)

This QuickApp is plug-and-play. The only thing you can do, is change the Station ID to a weather-station nearby from the list or add some nice icons to the devices. 


  • Wind Chill (based on the JAG/TI-method) and is only valid for temperatures between -46 C and +10 C and is only valid for wind speed between 1.3 m/s and 49 m/s
  • Windspeed is shown in m/s (km/3.6)
  • Absolute humidity is the measure of water vapor (moisture) in the air, regardless of temperature. It is expressed as grams of moisture per cubic meter of air (g/m3) 
  • conditionCodes = {unavailable = 3200, clear = 32, rain = 40, snow = 43, storm = 38, cloudy = 30, fog = 20,}
  • The time shown in the QuickApp, is the last time of the measurement from Buienradar (not the system time)




Changes version 3.0 (23rd March 2022)

  • Added 5-days forecast to the labels
  • Addded child devices for:
    •   Feel temperature °C 
    •   Ground temperature °C 
    •   Windspeed km/h
    •   Windspeed Bft
    •   Windgusts km/h
    •   Rain Last 24h mm
    •   Sun Chance tomorrow % 
    •   Min Temp tomorrow °C
    •   Max Temp tomorrow °C
    •   Rain Chance tomorrow % 
    •   Min Rain tomorrow mm/h
    •   Max Rain tomorrow mm/h
    •   Wind tomorrow m/s (plus wind direction and arrow)
    •   Wind tomorrow km/h (plus wind direction and arrow)
  • Changed SunPower device type to powerSensor
  • Changed all Wind devices types to windSensor
  • Converted date-times to more nice format
  • Quickapp variable setGlobalVar changed to boolean
  • Added Quickapp variable stationWarning to show a warning (once) if your station hasn't got some weather value (default is true)
  • Optimised some code

Weather conditions:

The Buienradar weather description is converted to the right Fibaro condition codes, with the icons:


0F1673AC-6806-4F30-B7DA-26BCD55F5063.jpeg.029fe086520bc114b2008f60d968c359.jpeg 8439B8B3-FF29-4622-9404-4069C546CFEA.jpeg.e7853a62d6ba1d92d5d2692a311bd076.jpeg 633D017C-C775-40E9-9C4E-55464662FEAF.jpeg.7a96145ee6996ba741caaa027f112b6b.jpeg 04B8D106-83B2-4910-9D6A-E09DA3311C9A.jpeg.102f44a17adf1ffaa38509218daf3eb6.jpeg A1DF2579-442F-484B-B44E-C505C87CB8FB.jpeg.94df0499dddbed12ebfb16d832d882bd.jpeg 3D5316E8-987A-4C02-AE3C-98528F0549C0.jpeg.c00a4ace403c4bd8d84729240b59d2e3.jpeg 8E3B81BA-123B-483E-82A4-DE7FC6D8A6F5.jpeg.05be6ce402c8e889022a0b2773f12e42.jpeg 


Fibaro Dashboard:

The Fibaro properties Temperature, Humidity and Wind values are updated to show in your dashboard:





Mobile App:

For the Mobile app these values are available:





For the most accurate measurements you can select a Station in your neighborhood: 

6391 Meetstation Arcen / 6275 Meetstation Arnhem / 6249 Meetstation Berkhout / 6308 Meetstation Cadzand / 6260 Meetstation De Bilt / 6235 Meetstation Den Helder / 6370 Meetstation Eindhoven / 6377 Meetstation Ell / 6321 Meetstation Euro platform / 6350 Meetstation Gilze Rijen / 6323 Meetstation Goes / 6283 Meetstation Groenlo-Hupsel / 6280 Meetstation Groningen / 6315 Meetstation Hansweert / 6278 Meetstation Heino / 6356 Meetstation Herwijnen / 6330 Meetstation Hoek van Holland / 6279 Meetstation Hoogeveen / 6251 Meetstation Hoorn Terschelling / 6258 Meetstation Houtribdijk / 6285 Meetstation Huibertgat / 6209 Meetstation IJmond / 6225 Meetstation IJmuiden / 6277 Meetstation Lauwersoog / 6320 Meetstation LE Goeree / 6270 Meetstation Leeuwarden / 6269 Meetstation Lelystad / 6348 Meetstation Lopik-Cabauw / 6380 Meetstation Maastricht / 6273 Meetstation Marknesse / 6286 Meetstation Nieuw Beerta / 6312 Meetstation Oosterschelde / 6344 Meetstation Rotterdam / 6343 Meetstation Rotterdam Geulhaven / 6316 Meetstation Schaar / 6240 Meetstation Schiphol / 6324 Meetstation Stavenisse / 6267 Meetstation Stavoren / 6229 Meetstation Texelhors / 6331 Meetstation Tholen / 6290 Meetstation Twente / 6313 Meetstation Vlakte aan de Raan / 6242 Meetstation Vlieland / 6310 Meetstation Vlissingen / 6375 Meetstation Volkel / 6215 Meetstation Voorschoten / 6319 Meetstation Westdorpe / 6248 Meetstation Wijdenes / 6257 Meetstation Wijk aan Zee / 6340 Meetstation Woensdrecht / 6239 Meetstation Zeeplatform F-3 / 6252 Meetstation Zeeplatform K13


QuickApp variables (mandatory, they will be automatically added with the default values):

  • interval = Number in seconds to update the data (defaul = 601)
  • timeout = Number in seconds to wait for a response (default = 5)
  • stationID = Number of the station you want to use for weather measurements (default = 6260 Meetstation De Bilt)
  • backupstationID = Number of the backup station for missing weather data from stations that don't have all the data (default = 6260 Meetstation De Bilt). Don't change this ID unless you know what you are doing. 
  • setGlobalVar = true or false, whether you want tu use the Global Variables (default = false)
  • stationWarning = true or false, whether you want to receive warnings if your station hasn't got some weather value (default is true)
  • debugLevel = Number (1=some, 2=few, 3=all) (default = 1)


How to install: 

  1. Open the Configuration Interface
  2. Go to Settings > Devices
  3. Click  +
  4. Choose Other Device
  5. Choose Upload File
  6. Choose file from your computer with .fqa

14 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

Buienradar Weather ne fonctionne qu'aux Pays-Bas, avec les stations météorologiques néerlandaises.


comment savoir qu'elle est l'id pour sautour Belgique ?


Thanks for lettings us know. I can see the updated 5 days forecast also, they fixed it.


It works again. Great. Thanks allot.


I have contacted buienradar about the 5 days forecast issue

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