Created At

May 13, 2021

Last Update

May 20, 2024


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

Version: 2.0.7 (2024.02)


  • FIBARO HC3, HC3-Lite, Yubii Home (PRO)
  • All ARYLIC devices  with firmware v4.6.xxxx or newer
  • Latest list of Arylic devices at

More about our integrations at 


  • Complete playback status and AlbumArt
  • Playback control (Play/Pause/Next/Prev)
  • Volume and mute control
  • Source selector (USB/BT/AUX-INs/OPT/COAX)
  • 10 presets access buttons (links to TuneIn, UPnP, USB, Spotify, Tidal and more)
  • Playback custom URL stream (ex. shoutcast radio)
  • Shuffle/Repeat modes
  • Multiroom buttons  to link other ARYLIC devices
  • Solo mode switch disconnects from master/slaves
  • Sleep timer settings and status
  • AlbumArt on-off switch 🖼
  • Implementation of Player class for easy use in block scenes for playback  and volume control
  • Easy configuration of multiroom configurations via block scenes
  • Additional set of public functions to set presets, sleep timer and sources from LUA code

 Installation and initial configuration:

  • After installation IP address and port of ARYLIC device have to be set, both at QuickApp’s Variable tab
  • Default Port number is 80.


  • Buttons 1-10 invokes presets, presets shall can defined individually for each device via 4Stream mobile app.
  • QuickApp creates global variable jArylicDevices which aggregate information about all ARYLIC devices in multiroom configuration, and allow to connect each other

Public functions

The QuickApp has set of public methods to use/call from other LUA code

  • QuickApp:setPreset(no) to activate memorized preset
  • QuickApp:selectSource(src) to select input source
  • QuickApp:setSleepTimer(min) to set/cancel sleep timer
  • QuickApp:playURL(url, name, src)

Sample calls:

  •, "setPreset", 2)
  •, "setSleepTimer", 20)
  •, "selectSource", "IN1")  -- BT, USB, OPT, COAX, NET etc
  •, "playURL", "", "?? jMaster Radio","shoutcast")

Limitations and notes:

  • IP Address of Arylic device must be provided manually. It can be find at 4Stream mobile app (Configuration section), after configuring the device. ARYLIC devices obtain IP addresses from DHCP server and does not support static IP configuration, It is recommended to setup router (DHCP server) to fix IP assignment for ARYLIC devices.
  • Multiroom buttons with names of other devices allows to join those device as slaves. Buttons are shown automatically. Each Arylic device shall have own QuickApp configured at FIBARO hub – so system can gather information about each player and can update mulitroom buttons.
  • When device plays as slave, it does not display source information. Only Volume, Mute and SleepTime buttons are active. Also SOLO button can be used. Multroom buttons, when used, will link selected device to same master.

ZIP File for download:

  • Arylic_Player_xxxxxxxx.fqax file with QuickApp (encrypted, no access to LUA code)
  • Arylic Shoutcast Radio.fqa file with sample QuickApp that calls Arylic_Player QuickApp to force Shoutcast Radio station playbacks (by URL). To make it working, Arylic_ID variable has to be set to ID of Arylic QuickApp that shall be triggered

Fqax file shall be imported to your Home Center at administration panel (access via Web browser): menu Settings, section Devices, button Add, tab Other Device, command Upload File.

NOTE: At the time of installation, the HomeCenter controller must be registered on the owner's FibaroID account and must be connected to the Internet (this is a general requirement for the installation of encrypted QuickApps)


2 Comments,  Want to add comment please login

H50 is very new model, I have no chance to check it, but it shall use same communication protocols. It shall work with Arylic's 4Stream app, so I expect this QuickApp to be fully compatibile.


Does the QA also works with the new H50?

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