Created At

Sep 13, 2020

Last Update

Sep 14, 2020


HC 2



Type Camera

The camera image is displayed in small and large views in the Chrome web browser. (Snapshot)

But the current video is displayed in the FIBARO HC2 Android APP.

It can be displayed without login data. The login data must be used for other APPs. I can't tell why.

I only tested the HC2. It probably works with the HCL / HC3

Super resolution of 3840 x 2160



Have fun with it...



Settings in the camera 

Main Stream

  • Status = Enabled
  • Encode Mode = H265
  • Resolution = 3840 x 2160
  • Frame Rate = 20
  • Bit Rate Typ = CBR
  • Quality = Best
  • Bit Rate (kbps) = 12288
  • Frame intervall = 40
  • Profile = Main Profile


FIBARO Camera settings

  • Camera = others
  • User =  - free - 
  • Pw = - free - 
  • Camera image on main page = yes


  • http
  • 192.168.x.x   (no port)
  • jpg = /cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?stream=0
  • mjpg = /cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?stream=0

Show camera image in view = mjpg  2sec.

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