Created At

May 05, 2021

Last Update

Oct 18, 2021


HC 3 Lite, Z-box Hub, Yubii Home Pro, Yubii Home, Venture WISE, HC 3





Type Quick App

This QuickApp reads the PM2.5, PM10, Temperature, Humidity and Air Pressure values directly from a sensor. With this sensor you can measure air quality yourself. This QuickApp will send notifications when PM2.5 or PM10 readings reach a breakpoint. 

The Air Quality sensor is a DIY setup for less than 50 euro. It is very easy to assemble and ready to make kits are available, see also for more info. 

You can order seperate items from for example AliExpress for the lowest prices, or order a complete set from: or


The Air Quality Sensor has a WiFi interface and Application Programming Interface (API). This QuickApp uses the API to get the measurements available to the Fibaro Homecenter. 

My configuration of the DIY air quality sensor:

  • Nova SDS011 air quality sensor
  • NodeMCU ESP8266 V2 opensource WiFi board
  • BME280 temperature, humidity and air pressure sensor

See how to simply assemble the air quality sensor yourself:
See for general informatie about the Air Quality Sensor:
See for a map of measurements:
See for CVS files:
See for sources:

Variables mandatory (they will be automaticaly added with the default values):

  • IPaddress = IP address of your sensor
  • Path = Path behind the IP address, normally /data.json
  • Interval = Number in seconds, the sensor normally is updated every 145 seconds
  • UserID = User id to notify of PM2.5 / PM10 breakpoints
  • bme280Sensor = Use of BME280 temperature, humidity and air pressure sensor, true or false 


PM2.5 breakpoints:

0 - 30        GOOD (Minimal)
31 - 60      SATISFACTORY (Minor breathing discomfort to sensitive people)
61 - 90      MODERATELY POLLUTED Breathing discomfort to asthma patients, elderly and children
91 - 120    POOR (Breathing discomfort to all)
121 - 250  VERY POOR (Respiratory illness on prolonged exposure)
250+         SEVERE (Health impact even on light physical work. Serious impact on people with heart/lung disease)

PM10 breakpoints

0 - 50        GOOD (Minimal)
51 - 100    SATISFACTORY (Minor breathing discomport to sensitive people)
101 - 250  MODERATELY POLLUTED Breathing discomfoort to asthma patients, elderly and children
251 - 350  POOR (Breathing discomfort to all)
351 - 430  VERY POOR (Respiratory illness on prolonged exposure)
430+         SEVERE (Health impact even on light physical work. Serious impact on people with heart/lung disease) 


How to install: 

  1. Open the Configuration Interface
  2. Go to Settings > Devices
  3. Click  +
  4. Choose Other Device
  5. Choose Upload File
  6. Choose file from your computer with .fqa

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Rewelacja wszystko działa jak trzeba, opis uruchomienia jak dla dziecka. Brawo!


A new version of this popular QuickApp is in the making. Two Quickapps will be combined in one. That way you can simply choose if you want to monitor your own local sensor or someone else sensor in your neighborhood from the cloud. Some new function will be implemented, new child devices will be added and translation for English, Polish, French and Dutch will be available.

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